How relationships work

How relationships work

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

How to stop your divorce

Divorce is that one word that no married couple wants to hear. This is a painful process that nobody wants to go through. The importance of marriage seems to fade away these days. Couples pick on petty issues to start fighting and then end up getting divorced. It is important to understand that marriages are made in heaven and it is a divine bond that ends with our last breath. It’s therefore good to give a second chance to a relationship even if it doesn’t seem to be working.

A marriage can only work if both the people are willing to make it work. When such a situation arises wherein both the people just want to end their relationship, they must think of the reason they got married to each other. Think of the first time you saw your spouse. It could have been ‘love at the first sight’. Think of the lovely time both of you spent together. Think of those intimate moments that made you feel ‘this is heavenly’! Remind yourself of how much you love your husband/wife. Bring in positive thoughts and let go off the negativity.

This is the time to think what actually went wrong in your relationship. Stop blaming your spouse and step in their shoes to understand his/her side of the story. This way you can also know what was wrong with your behaviour. It is advisable that instead of pointing out each other’s shortcomings, look at your own first. Look for ways that can help you give your best shot to the relationship.

Another very common problem with most couples is that they let their egos come in midst of their beautiful relationship. Both think the other person must apologise first. Why do you want the other person to make the first move, instead go ahead and break the ice yourself? If you take initiatives to end the fight your partner is going to notice that. This will make him/her realise their fault too. This initiative of yours will make the relationship sweeter. Who knows, if you fight the next time, your spouse makes the first move to break the ice.

If you have children, you must think of their future too. Think about the effect your divorce will have on your child/children. It is your child’s right to get both parents’ love in their growing years. Thinking of them will make you both come to a mutual decision wherein you both stay together for the sake of your children and gradually the lost love will again come back in your relationship. If that doesn’t help think of the moment you both first came to know about your/your spouse’s pregnancy. Those nine months was an emotional journey for both of you. Think of the moment you first held your baby in your arms. Such memories are going to bring back the lost love and stop your divorce.

Always remember, divorce is an act against the Almighty’s wish to have you both together for life. So, stop your divorce and find ways to last the beautiful relationship for a lifetime.


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  2. Thanks Sandra, for sharing the info.. :)


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